Saturday, October 29, 2011

Paperback Edition of The Politics of Food Supply!

It's official: Yale University Press is publishing a paperback edition of The Politics of Food Supply!

For the paperback edition, I wrote a new preface that discusses the world crisis of 2007-2008. This new preface explains the connection between that food crisis -- which centered on sharply increased food prices -- and the analysis of US agricultural policy in the book.

In addition, the paperback edition is much cheaper than the hardcover, at only $22. It will be available in February 2012.

Yale University Press lists the paperback edition on its website. And, you can pre-order the paperback edition on the Barnes and Nobles website for just $18. just put it up as well -- $22 per-order.

Check it out!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

French Fries as Vegetables

I was listening to National Public Radio a couple weeks ago, and I heard a story about how the USDA is trying to change school menus to reduce the amount of french fries the kids are served. The point was to try to fight childhood obesity.

The story on NPR pointed out that Senator Susan Collins and others were fighting the proposed regulations. Here is the story.

One of the things that surprised me was the discussion about french fries (potatoes) versus "other vegetables." I get that potatoes are tubers and vegetables, but it's just odd to hear that someone might choose between french fries and broccoli as a vegetable for dinner.

So, in the 1980s, were french fries and ketchup counted as two servings of vegetables?